Latest Past Events

Vigil for SB4 / Vigilia para SB4

Although part of the “show me your papers” law is blocked, SB4 remains in effect. On November 7, the federal judges at the 5th Circuit of New Orleans will have the power to unblock the law, but whatever happens we will be united to protect our community. Join TOP to hear our members’ testimonies and […]

Abortion Awareness Tabling

Hey everyone! This week we are tabling for abortion awareness on Nov. 7th and 8th. We will be talking about abortion myths, types of abortion, reasons for abortion, the United States/Texas policies about abortion. Feel free to come out and table with us in front of Sage!

Rally for Victory over #SB4 & Rally to the Polls

It's election day and #SB4 is being heard in the Court of Appeals. This November 7th should serve as a reminder that ELECTIONS MATTER. How people vote on issues affects our communities. Join us as we raise the community consciousness of the power of elections, the issues that face Texans today, and the battle ahead […]