Protest at the Dallas Zoo!

Dallas Zoo - Exact Location Tba

Please join us to protest the part the Dallas Zoo played in ripping 17 elephants from their peaceful existence in the wilds of Africa, sedating them, crating them, and shipping them off to be exhibited in three US zoos! These days, zoos around the world are recognizing that they do not have the resources to […]

Protest at the Dallas Zoo!

Dallas Zoo - Exact Location Tba

Please join us to protest the part the Dallas Zoo played in ripping 17 elephants from their peaceful existence in the wilds of Africa, sedating them, crating them, and shipping them off to be exhibited in three US zoos! These days, zoos around the world are recognizing that they do not have the resources to […]

Protest at the Dallas Zoo!

Dallas Zoo - Exact Location Tba

Please join us to protest the part the Dallas Zoo played in ripping 17 elephants from their peaceful existence in the wilds of Africa, sedating them, crating them, and shipping them off to be exhibited in three US zoos! These days, zoos around the world are recognizing that they do not have the resources to […]

No More Politics as Usual: Socialism in the Air

UNT - Language Building Room 316

2015 ended with a disturbing cycle of public violence and racist fear-mongering. It has come in different forms: a regional civil war and massive refugee crisis in the Middle East; terror attacks by ISIS on the streets of Paris and by right-wingers against a Planned Parenthood clinic and a Black Lives Matter protest here in […]

East End Development Talk

Bohemeo's 708 Telephone Rd, Houston, TX, United States

Join us to discuss upcoming developments planned for your neighborhood. What plans are in the works, What kinds of jobs and opportunities will they bring for residents, and How can we have a say in shaping our own community.

Creeping Conservatism: Neo-liberalism at Home, Militarism Abroad

University of Houston - University Center

With the 2016 Election Cycle in full swing, it has become apparent that the country has moved away from establishment politics towards the fringes of both parties; the phenomenon has caught most by surpise, and has caused many to question the process and possible results of this poltical polarization. To better understand the current poltical […]

Creeping Conservatism: Neo-liberalism at Home, Militarism Abroad

University of Houston - University Center

With the 2016 Election Cycle in full swing, it has become apparent that the country has moved away from establishment politics towards the fringes of both parties; the phenomenon has caught most by surpise, and has caused many to question the process and possible results of this poltical polarization. To better understand the current poltical […]

Creeping Conservatism: Neoliberalism at Home, Militarism Abroad

University of Houston senate chamber room UC

Guest Speaker: Dr. Snehal Shingavi Dr. Snehal Shingavi received his Ph.D. in English from the University of California, Berkeley in 2008 after earning BAs in English and Economics from Trinity University in 1997. His interests include Anglophone South Asian literature, Hindi/Urdu literature, Literature in Translation and Translation Theory, Theories of “the nation” (anticolonialism, nationalism, statism, […]

Storm Skanska: Dallas Protest at Invesco

2001 Ross Avenue Dallas, Texas 75201

From NNAL: These investment firms, central banks, and asset and pension management companies are some of the largest financial institutions in the world. They prop up Skanska and effectively fund the construction of the animal lab. Like the legacy of Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty has shown us, radical movements are capable of confronting the atrocities […]

Storm Skanska: Dallas Protest at Invesco

2001 Ross Avenue Dallas, Texas 75201

From NNAL: These investment firms, central banks, and asset and pension management companies are some of the largest financial institutions in the world. They prop up Skanska and effectively fund the construction of the animal lab. Like the legacy of Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty has shown us, radical movements are capable of confronting the atrocities […]