Connect. Organize. Change.
This neighborhood event is organized for Downtown residents, by Downtown residents, as a way to positively engage our community in the political process. In 2015, the voter turnout for the municipal election in Downtown was dismally low — we aim to change that and for our voices to be louder than ever.
This BLOCK PARTY will host artists, live musicians, businesses, and tastes of Downtown, as well as acting as a great place to meet your neighbors and engage in conversation. But the most important part is that we will have GROUPS WALKING TO THE POLLS together every half hour!
Our team of committed volunteers, all of whom are Downtown residents passionate about creating a better place to call home, are coming together to register voters and walk the buildings of Downtown, reminding folks to get out and vote FROM NOW UNTIL ELECTION DAY on MAY 6th. So you’ll probably see us around or have us drop by!
***If you are interested in hosting us to walk through your building to register voters or to talk about this important event, please message us or leave a post in the discussion section – we hope to reach as many people as possible!***
More information for this exciting neighborhood event is forthcoming… Stay tuned! 🦅🇺🇸