Connect. Organize. Change.
Sick of all of the hate? Frustrated with our current criminal justice system? Angry at the discrimination immigrants face?
Ready to take action? The Texas Organizing Project (TOP) is launching its volunteer Get Out The Vote (GOTV) program on Saturday, 9/17 from 9 AM to 2 PM at our BRAND NEW TOP Northside location, 2613 Fulton St, Houston, TX 77009.
Newcomers and veterans are welcome to develop their skills in speaking with voters directly through doorknocking and phonebanking.
Training, lunch, childcare and entertainment with special guests included for all participants. Prizes will be awarded to the HIGHEST RANKING doorknocker and phonebanker!
EVERY VOTE COUNTS. Even if you can’t vote, make sure that your COMMUNITY votes on the issues that represents you: immigration reform, good jobs, criminal justice reform and neighborhood rights!
Cansad@ de todo el odio? Frustrad@ con nuestro sistema criminal actual? Enojad@ con toda la discriminación con que l@s inmigrantes se enfrentan?
List@ para tomar accion? La Texas Organizing Project (TOP) esta lanzando nuestro programa voluntario de sacar el voto (Get Out The Vote/GOTV) en el sabado, 17 de septiembre a las 9 AM a 2 PM en nuestra NUEVA oficina en Northside,, 2613 Fulton St, Houston, TX 77009.
L@s voluntari@s nuevos y experimentados son bienvenidos a desarrollar sus habilidades en contato direto con votantes por tocando puertas y haciendo llamadas.
El entrenamiento, almuerzo, cuidado de ninos y entrenamiento con invitados especiales son incluidos para todos los participantes. Premios disponibles para l@s voluntarios de tocar y llamar mejor clasificad@s!
CADA VOTO CUENTA. Si no puede votar Usted, asegurarse que su COMUNIDAD vote en los asuntos que le representan: la reforma migratoria, buenos trabajos, la reforma de justicia criminal y derechos del vecindario!
***Upcoming events in YOUR neighborhood / Próximos eventos en SU vecindario***
Saturday, 10/1/16
9 AM – 2 PM
South Park
Location TBA
Saturday, 10/15/16
9 AM – 2 PM
East End
Location TBA
Monday, 10/31/16 (TRICK OR VOTE)
2 PM – 7 PM
Acres HOME Barber College
2306 Ferguson Way. Houston, TX 77088