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On Monday, October 16, at 7:00 pm, the American Jewish Council in Dallas will be hosting a panel titled, “U.S. Support for Israel as a Bipartisan Issue.” We will be gathering to bring attention to the damage of the increasing support for the Israeli state that silences, oppresses, and subjects Palestine and its people to countless human rights violations. U.S. support for Israel is support for an open-air prison, support for the genocide of the Palestinian people, and silencing the voices of dissenting Jewish and Israeli communities who vehemently oppose the occupation of Palestinian land and the support U.S. offers to Israel.
This event is co-organized by North Texas Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO), North Texas Solidarity, Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL), Green Party of Collin County, and the International Socialist Organization (ISO).
The American Jewish Council has, historically, supported a zionist Israeli state without regard to the Palestinian people and communities that are being forcefully displaced, exterminated, and imprisoned for their existence. AJC actively fights dissenting opinions on the Israeli occupation of Palestinian land, and regularly attacks the Palestinian-led movement for liberation, Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS). The speakers will be Representative Pete Sessions (R) Representative Marc Veasey (D).
Rep. Pete Sessions has commitment to an unbreakable U.S.-Israel bond and opposes Arms Treaty that limits gun trade to Israel.
Rep. Marc Veasey has expressed support for military aid and contributions to Israel, going as far as to praise stealth F-35 fighter jets, capable of launching ground attacks that will inevitably kill Palestinian citizens unbiasedly. (