Connect. Organize. Change.
Texas Organizing Project (TOP) te invita este Sabado 3 de Septiembre a un foro de inmigracion donde te daremos la informacion mas actualizada sobre el tema de inmigracion, DACA/DAPA, y tambien te haremos una evaluacion gratis para ver si calificas para algun alivio. Representantes acreditados/as y abogados estaran disponibles ahi mismo para contestar las preguntas de tu caso y habran referidos disponibles ahi mismo. Esperamos verte pronto!
Texas Organizing Project (TOP) invtes you this Saturday, September 3 to an immigration forum where we’ll have the most up-to-date information on immigration, DACA/DAPA, and w’ell also provide you a FREE screening to see if you qualify for relief. Accredited representatives and attorneys will be available on-site to answer your questions, and there will be referrals available as well. We look forward to seeing you!