Connect. Organize. Change.
Join us for the next four Tuesday evenings from 6:30-8:30pm to learn the history of police brutality in Dallas and ways to protect yourself and get involved. Detailed descriptions below.
September 13:
Dallas is America’s Greatest
Untold Story of Police Brutality.
Inequality pervades every aspect of life in
Dallas – in the high and growing rates of
child poverty and homelessness; in
substandard and unaffordable housing; in
the underfunded, de facto segregated
schools – but nowhere is this inequality
more pronounced than in policing. Dallas
has a 43-year history of unaccountable
police use of deadly force. Every instance
of death by police gunfire in Dallas over
the past 43 years – and there have been
hundreds – has been found to be justified
by police internal affairs, the district
attorney, and the Dallas County grand
jury. The last time a Dallas cop was
indicted in a deadly shooting, Richard
Nixon was President.
September 20:
Know Your Rights
When the Police Stop You.
Find out your rights when you are
confronted with local police, ICE, FBI, or
you name it. Do you know your rights if
you are stopped by the police? If a police
officer threatens or intimidates you? If
there is a raid in your community? Learn
what your rights are in relation to ICE and
law enforcement and what you can do to
protect you and your family. Learn how to
be proactive and empower yourself and
others without losing sight of the dangers
associated with exercising one’s power
during encounters with the police.
September 27:
Grand Jury & Trial Jury:
How You Can Help Deliver Justice.
Jury Service is a critical aspect in
achieving justice. Learn how the Dallas
County Jury process works and why it is
important to not only attend jury duty,
but to also make an effort to become
jurors. You will learn all about both the
Grand Jury process as well as Jury Trials
from local veteran attorneys, Anthony
Eiland and Nigel Redmond of Redmond,
Eiland, and Guidry, PLLC. They will
present literature explaining the process
and answer questions from the audience.
October 4:
Stride Toward Justice • 9 Steps to
Change Policing in America.
There is a way forward. Come hear
MAPB’s proposals for fair and just
policing locally, statewide, and
throughout the country: Independent
prosecutors, drug testing of officers,
compensation for victims of police,
national standards for use of deadly
force, and more. Let’s work together for
real change.
Bring your ideas