Connect. Organize. Change.
In just a few short weeks, the city council could vote on whether or not to purchase the land to build 2 new gas-fired power plants in Denton. Building infrastructure that is fed by fracked gas is not reflective of a community who voted out fracking. We believe there are better, renewable options that will not leave our children further in debt and further polluted. Most people are still not aware this is happening. So, this week you can join the blockwalking teams to share the news of the proposed power plants with your neighbors. Or, feel free to stop by to pick up materials to share with your co-workers, church, PTA, ect.
Current meet up times are:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 3:50pm-6:00pm Quakertown Park
We will be sharing 3 things:
1) A letter to city council members asking for a public hearing on this matter, an independent, non-partisan anaylist to review the city’s plan, and a commitment to the renewable portion of the ‘Renewable Denton’ plan.
2) Information on the city’s ‘GreenSense’ plan. This is a program already in place that allows people to sign up for renewable energy rather than coal and gas. Raising the number of people signed up for this program sends a message that we are interested in renewables.
3) Information on how to contact each councilmember, what district people are in, and when the upcoming city council meetings are.
Remember to dress warm and wear comfortable shoes. If you have a clipboard, please bring it. Thank you and see you soon!