Connect. Organize. Change.
Block walkers! You all were amazing at getting out the vote! Now the skills we learned during the campaign are needed once more!
This Thursday we will meet to walk the neighborhoods around Guyer High school, one of the many protected use locations that has a frack well in very close proximity. The purpose of block walking this time will be to gather as many ‘Gas Well Safety Surveys’ as we can to present to the city. This data will help us in our push for safety precautions, clear evacuation routes in the case of accidents and notification to all residents of the location of wells. As we saw with the blowout at the airport and the fire in the Westgate neighborhood, accidents DO happen.
A few folks went block walking with the survey last week and it proved to be a great conversation starter and education tool in itself. It is surprising how many people in Denton still don’t know what fracking is, much less how close they live to a well. As we knock doors, we will also be notifying people that fracking has already returned to Denton and that there are 8 new wells set to begin October 1st. We have information cards to share that explain how to make a complaint to TCEQ and how to get involved in volunteer opportunities like this.
Whether you block walked during the campaign or this is your first time volunteering, hope you can join!!
If you have not taken the Gas Well Safety Survey, please go here: