Connect. Organize. Change.
Have you experienced harassment or been hurt by the police?
Let your voice be heard: There are many victims of police brutality in the Dallas metroplex area, victims that have suffered in silence with no voice or validation until now!
The 1st Annual Clinton R. Allen Youth Speak Out is in honor of Clinton Allen who was murdered on March 10, 2013 by Dallas policeman Clark Staller. Clinton was unarmed, shot 7 times, underneath his arms and once in the back. Clinton Allen was only 25 years old.
There are many victims of police brutality that we want to give a voice to on March 19th. We want to give you an official acknowledgment and record your injustice.
Registration for speakers are limited to 50 people, so if you are interested in speaking about your experience of being brutalized by cops, please visit our Eventbrite page and register today!
#canwelive #blackfutures #wehearyou #stopshootingus #stopharassingus #youthriseup #wegonbealright